Alabama Bankers Association

The Alabama Bankers Association serves as the voice of the banking industry in Alabama and as the industry’s official advocate before state and federal government. Services provided to members include public policy advocacy, professional and certification-related education, annual meetings and conferences, regular publications and other programs and benefits. The Association also administers BANKPAC, the official political action committee representing the interests of the Alabama banking industry.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Alabama Bankers Association is to provide effective representation and advocacy for Alabama banks, and to serve and improve the banking industry in a continually changing environment. The Association exists to protect and promote the political, legal and business interests of banks operating in Alabama, and to unite its membership through forums for collective industry action. Through working to create stronger local economies and banks, the Association helps Alabamians achieve greater goals.

Vision Statement

The Alabama Bankers Association shall be the established organization to advocate, protect and enhance the wellbeing of Alabama banks through the unified vision and indivisible strength of its members.